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Landscape Maintenance Services

The state of your landscape speaks volumes about your property! Dr. Dave provides a comprehensive commercial landscape maintenance plan that's custom designed to meet your needs and exceed your expectations, regardless of the environment or season!

Landscape Maintenance

We understand the challenges of balancing the visual impact of your property against the cost of maintaining and protecting your investment. Partnering with Dr. Dave ensures that each of your landscape needs are covered-- from general maintenance to tree care, fertilization and weed/pest management. One call, and we can do it all!

Landscape Enhancements

Your landscape is an integral part of your visitor's experience and overall perception of your brand. Our team will apply industry-leading expertise in tree care, sustainable plantings and unique feature design to your property. Dr. Dave Landscaping can help to evolve and improve your property's value with intelligent, cost-efficient enhancements, such as seasonal color and installation, mulching and any necessary landscape renovations. 

Local Landscape Services

We know that your exterior landscaping requirements go beyond simply just mowing your lawn or planting flowers. We proudly stand behind your brand with 40 years of industry experience and local management oversight to provide your firm with consistent, cost-effective exterior maintenance. Dr. Dave will take care of all of the details!

How Can We Assist You?

Find out how to get a landscape which supports your goals and a team of experts focused on you.

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